Sunday, November 22, 2015


 1) Are you insane? What the hell do you think you're doing?

2) Could you back up, you're making me nervous....Thank you!

3) That...woman almost killed me! The same one, who tried to kill you! And you wanna go...find her? Are you insane?

1) Take a look at this. This video was captured August 12th, Friday morning at the Alton Bridge corrections facility. Clearly he had to see for himself, the extent of Tesla's damage.

2) Your building a case, Scott! Not procrastinating. If we want this done right, it's gonna take some time.

3) Well it seems to me like your philosophy isn't working very well. Is it?

1) Because to stupid degenerates fired their weapon prematurely. Explain that to your captain!

2) No you can't. An innocent woman died last night. Why?

1) (serious) Lily. Think about this. We're not even on duty. We're just officers.We don't fight crime -- we write tickets. Let's just go back inside and have some coffee.

2) Great. Just the realization I needed on a day off. Can we go home now?

1) Going somewhere...Charlie? Or should I call you Mr. Mason?

2)  We have something in common, you and I. We don't take shit for an answer.

1) Mr. Wilder. We know that you're a part of what is now known as a secret human trafficking ring. So you can shove that local dog-catcher shit somewhere else; probably up your ass!!. I don't care!

2) And we are terribly sorry. We fucked up royally. But if we hadn't of done what we did last night, that girl-child would be in some god forsaken place doing god knows what. Slavery isn't quite a paradise!

1) You know...I go through a great deal of...shit cause of you. It's all about you; me, me, me. I want attention. You ever stop to think of how many people you're putting in danger?

1)She attacked me!! She was trying to kill me.

2) I don't understand? I've done nothing wrong in this place. You have to help me!

3) ...You better back the hell away from me! This time, I will kill you.

1) I am...let's just say for the sake of the moment, here to comfort you. I take it you do like comfort?

2) Well, here I am in the flesh. Jesus Christ, you are something else. Don't you recognize my voice!

1) I...I wasn't really expecting anyone, I'm actually in the middle of something.

2) Ramona. Red hair. Green eyes. To be honest she's kinda cute. Massive cunttude though.

3) Oh, I know. But don't worry, I'll make it up to him. Next time you see him, tell him it'll never happen again.

1) Lance wanted me to tell you how important you are to God and all his messengers. You know it's not healthy to neglect the voice of god?

You haven't the slightest idea, do you? You rookie cops are so selfish; you are always just thinking about yourselves. What about your families? Don't you care if they get hurt? 

1)No one can help you. We told you what would happen if you spoke out against us.

THE RUSE - Main Character Bios


Scott Pruco is Tesla’s old partner from before her conviction. They both worked in investigative missions involving fraud and counterfeit prevention. It’s safe to say they were romantically involved, although it is also safe to say they were having an affair. Scott is handsome, scruffy and kind, even though he tries to act tough.
AGENT Prucco hires a team of private-elite investigators to help him prove Tesla's innocence and prosecute the real culprits behind the assassination.

Tesla is the centerpiece of the equation. She is a 7 year SS agent who has been blamed for the execution of the president of the United States. Now residing in a small prison in Washington, she develops a case of amnesia and ultimately forgets seven years of her vital past. Tesla is average looking, but when she wants to be, she can be very comely. She is caring, witty, tough and she tests her limits, but most of all, she is adaptable.

According to Nina, she is an orchestral musician who attends church every sunday and spends whole afternoons at church circles. However, some believe other wise. Nina is suspected of working for a secret agency involved in the assassination of the president.
      Nina is extremely tough, cunning and sneaky, and she has a mystique like no other. She is also appealing but her charm makes her a muse; she uses this to her advantage. This character has lots of secrets which hold the true identity of the story.

Charlie is a veteran Secret Service agent who has pushed through the ranks like butter. At only 44, he is a chief recruiter, commissioner, and trainer and reports to mainly one man. He is wiser beyond his years and charming, but is easily controlled by his yin (bad) energy. Charlie isn’t perfect. One of his most valuable agents has been captured and he has to find a way to fix it, rather he wants to or not.

James is one of the Investigators that Scott hired for helping free Tesla. He is a shadowy character with a Vader-like presence and sometime comes off as an adversary.

Jack is a police officer but for all the wrong reasons. He wants the credit but doesn't want to work for it. He alongside his partner, Lillian investigate a case that sends them into a trigger-happy gang of human traffickers. With Lillian's unorthodox tactics combined with Jack's lack of responsibility, they end up being kicked off the case.
Jack is not focused, however he is really into his partner Lillian which is all that really matters to him.


Lance is a charming man who attends church events with Nina. They eventually have sexual intentions and violent intentions. He really is something deeper than what's on the surface as he becomes more and more involved in Nina's life; he actually begins to influence Nina's Alter. Lance is tall, handsome and witfull but his evil intentions make him a force of reckoning.

Ramona is the founder of C.I.S. or Civilian Investigative Services and is handling Scott Prucco's case. She is an older woman but is absolutely stunning, smart and persuasive . She has a mild temper and will put you in you place if she has to.

As an adopted daughter of an interracial couple in California, LilLy struggled in her younger years. Being bullied, beaten and teased all through high school was just the start; she would shortly after be involved in criminal acts, which would land her in juvenile programs and later, jail. Being so used to seeing and avoiding the boys in blue, she was driven to join the police force at age 21. She is a bit hot-headed however she can be sweet.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

CHAPTER I (Story Breakdown)

Chapter I - Deliverance

It is the year 2019 and it has been six long years sense the assassination of the United States president. Indeed, this was an event that many have tried to forget and put behind them but we all know that the truth cannot be egnored nor buried  forever.  As for secret service agent and senior training officer, Charlie Mason, he hasn't seen the end of it yet and moving on to a new and better life is next to impossible. Consistently being bombarded by journalists and media officals, Charlie has no choice but to throw them a bone or two. One day he finally agrees to a brief interview with a woman named Dawn Fetcher (Popular UK journalist) under his own personal terms. Unlike most days, this one will change his live forever. But let us take a moment to figure out why all this is. Why is Charlie being hunted by media personel? What do they want from him? Does Charlie know anything that the media doesn't already? There is a "y" factor here that needs some explaing. Perhaps there are questions that can be answered by the man who was at the presidents side when it all when down - a man who has seen it all. After all, Charlie Mason was part of the presidents personal guard at the time, alongside two of his own officers. It was Tesla McMullen, his second in command, who had "so called" pulled the trigger in the presidential parking zone on November 9th, 2013 and this is why the media won't leave him along.

Dawn begins the interview on a casual bases, asking him about his familiarity with agent McMullen. But then she takes it to a personal level. This causes Charlie to grow reluctant and respond in a cautious manner; he doesn't want to create a buzz or media stir about something that happened so long ago. He anxiously explains how he knows his officer but not well enough to know why she'd do such a thing like killing the president in cold blood. He makes it clear that he had no hand in her doings and therefore, this interview is over. But who is Tesla, really? And why would she have any motive in killing the president? She was young, beautiful, and dating her partner, Scott Pruco at the time. and all though work is tough and frustrating, the only explaination for her treasonist actions is either, she was a double agent working for a covert terrorist orginitation, or she was simply framed by some intricate puppeteers. Which one of these possibilities is most likely the case? Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Agent McMullen was framed and if that is the case, who has so cleverly done so? 

Before we can answer that question, we must understand the reality of the situation at hand. Tesla is no longer a secret service agent. In fact, she has been imprisoned ever sense the slaying of the president six years ago. At the state prison and under special watch, she is carrying out her life sentence. So now that we know a little bit about Tesla, we can begin our journey through the rabbit whole. As for media people like Dawn Fetcher, shit like this is what feuls the flame, and on an alterior level, this is where she was trying to get Charlie to fold. She hoped that he would stand up for Tesla; maybe this was his moment to tell the truth or at least speak out about the real players involved, but no. Charlie told her exactly what she expected out of an official. According to Charlie, there were no what ifs. 

But if there was an alternate reality were Tesla was in fact an innocent woman who was framed, then it wouldn't make any real sence without a woman named Nina Blackburne. Nina is a pianist who plays in the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington D.C.. According to some officials, she also is an aclaimed participant in a CIA, reddawg operation that was organized two months before the assassination. It was called operation requiem. let's be rational for a second: information like this isn't privy to the common people and therefore, isn't considered as fact. So, Nina's involvement was eventually brushed under the rug. She isn't the kind of woman you'd find espionage savy. She doesn't appear hardened in any fasion nor does she seem to know anything outside of her day-to-day routine. She is more so the woman you'd catch spewing biblical scriptures on the street corner or spending an entire Sunday afternoon in a church circle.

On this particular day, Nina is in desperate need for a confession. She spills herself at the whim of the priest while going on about how she must be forgive for the wicked deep within her psyche. It is an all-consuming duality that is unfaithful in every sense of the word and is destroying her from the inside out.  All this is implied  as the scenery reveals a granite statue of Jesus on the cross and her bowing before it. Later that evening, Nina has an unexpected encounter with her Alternate self, who is physically manifested as a twin who is sitting comfortably on a love seat. This all started from an odd phone call that led to the Alter appearing. The Alter then down-plays Nina's existence as not being real. According to the Alter, Nina is make-believe. This altercation (Pun Intended) ultimately leads to Nina being fed up with this duality. "I'm gonna find away to get rid of you", Nina says but her Alter thinks that she is going to get rid of Nina first.

The questions here are why is Nina fighting herself, and what the hell does this have to do with Tesla being framed? This will be closer to answering in chapter 2, in the meantime, let's just say that Nina is the glue/black-box of secrets that holds this massive gambit together.

On the other hand, Charlie is trying to play his cards correctly; he's keeping his head bellow water. As he settles into his secluded home in the woods of Manchester, Washington, he tries not to wake his sleeping wife. Moments later, Charlie hears a knock on his front door. Come to find out, it is Scott Prucco, the agent that Tesla used to date before the assassination. Scott appears uneasy as he expresses his concern for Tesla over a cup of coffee. He tells Charlie that due to some privy information, he believes that Tesla did not shoot the president. He also elaborates on the fact that after seeing her in person, she was not the same. Charlie seems genuinely concerned but he reminds Scott that a six year-old case could not be reopened without solid evidence. And although Scott has his mid made up already, he simply implies, you're either with me, or against me. At this point, Charlie doesn't seem to have dismissed the proposal, however, he keeps it friendly between he and Scott as he walks him out the front door.

Gun shoots, burning flames, and a delicate yet deadly Piano song give way to Nina standing over three dead bodies. As the flames grow wild, she makes a detour down a long hallway behind her. We could assume here that Nina is a murderer who is covering up her mess by burning the place to the ground but the look on her face suggests otherwise; it implies more so surprise, worry and an all-around confusion of her surroundings. Eventually, there is nowhere to run when Nina's Alter appears in front of her while drawing a gun. The alter pulls the trigger and Nina falls to the burning floor. But this nothing but a lucid dream, so it appears, as Nina wakes in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. We notice that her hair has been cut significantly shorter and she is surprised to see this herself as she peers into the bathroom mirror. What we can draw from this is, there is something tugging on Nina's alter and whatever it is just might get us closer to what causing these split reactions. If Nina's life is actually made-up and she has some other mysterious purpose, what is it and what does it have to do with Tesla?

Sense the assassination, people have been asking questions and they're going to the CIS for answers - answers that can't be answered elsewhere. C.I.S. stands for Civilian Investigative Services. It is an extension that provides services outside of local law enforcement to help people solve their own cases. CEO/Director of investigations, Ramona Skye runs the whole ordeal and has an investigation of her own going. Her mission is to find the real threat(s) behind the presidents murder and Nina Blackburne and Charlie Mason are under her radar.